Sunday, November 12, 2006

Nekked time!

Ok, so I am going to go with the one about me being an artist and this is just a study of the female form.....yeah..... But seriously, I feel I need to get back to anatomy studies a little more than I am used to. I love drawing from life but it seems I don't get as many chances now that I have graduated and all that. Well maybe I will make an attempt to get more connections with the Instuctors at the college I work at. You know... cause that would be just too convenient.


akt said...

did u draw this from refernece?

Jody said...

awwwww yeah! It's business time baby! Bout time you put some titties up here! Just kidding :) Nice drawing. But in all honesty you really need to just make this blog about you drawing nekked women so that way the rest of us can live vicariously through you :)

eltoromuerto said...

AKT this was drawn from reference. I need to get back to that live action drawing stuff.
and Oxkin....I will see what I can do for you.

gammagoblin said...

Oh man, now we're talking! :) I've been a reader of your blog for over a year now. Between this and the "black bob ross" drawing of yours I just had to break my silence! I love your work man! Two thumbs up!